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Monad International | Collaboration between FPAM and Naluri Hidup Sdn Bhd
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Collaboration between FPAM and Naluri Hidup Sdn Bhd

Collaboration between FPAM and Naluri Hidup Sdn Bhd

Press Release on the MOU Signing Ceremony

Researches who studied the relationship between financial stress and health have found that those who report greater financial distress also report poorer health, workplace absenteeism, and emotional health risk (Thomas E Garman).

Employers also run the risk of staff financial infidelity at work when they are under financial duress.

On this note, Encik Azran Osman Rani, Chief Executive Officer of Naluri Hidup Sdn Bhd (“Naluri”) and Miss Linnet Lee, Chief Executive Officer of Financial Planning Association of
Malaysia (“FPAM”) signed an MOU today to provide online mental health support to users of SmartFinance.my.

SmartFinance.my also offers access to real Licensed Financial Plannersfor those who need a plan or advice.

This strategic partnership is to promote more accessible and affordable health coaching to substitute healthy behaviours for unhealthy ones, stress management, a holistic approach to
financial wellness and better financial planning approach to enhance money management skills, debt management, asset protection and retirement planning.

This MoU is a convergence of will between both parties to collaborate through naluri.life and SmartFinance.my.

Together, Naluri and SmartFinance aim to work towards building healthier and wealthier Malaysians who are productive for themselves, which, in turn, will reduce the financial burden on the nation. This will help Malaysia become a high-income nation of healthy individuals.

For more detailed information on the new programme, please visit https://smartfinance.my

To find out more about Naluri and for a comprehensive list of its services please visit

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