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  • How money becomes an issue of marriage Divorce is one of those taboo subjects that we as a society don’t really talk about. Actually, let’s talk about it. Here on Smartfinance

  • 12 September 2020

  • Aspiring personal finance blogger, Nurul Yahi has built an audience on Instagram sharing lessons on finance. Continue below to learn from her experience. 1. How did you get st

  • Plan as early as you can! As parents, we want what’s best for our children. A world with fewer issues and financial freedom. A solution to many social issues lead to a simple

  • and what you can do It was less than a decade ago when the interest rate for PTPTN dropped from 3% to 1%. After the recent elections, opportunities to defer your payment was a

  • Most Malaysians do not know enough about proper home financing. Many Malaysians are risking unsettled home loans in the event of accidents or sudden deaths. Thus, transferring

  • A rough break down of what you need to know Home loans are a big commitment in life, and buying your first property can be a very tedious and lengthy process. There are tonnes

  • If you have assets, it’s essential for you to have an estate plan. If you have assets, it’s essential for you to have an estate plan. Estate plans shouldn’t be seen as a fancy

  • Follow these simple steps to start planning your estate The hardest part about planning your estate is actually starting. With these quick and easy tips you will have your est

  • Many people think that adopting a cat or kitten will be all fun and games. Yet, we forget to think about the cost of taking care of them. Here are some simple questions that w

  • A look into what might be for the financial future of Malaysia Imagine budgeting for your child, it can be a tedious task don’t you think so? Now imagine budgeting for a whole

  • It’s handier than you think to keep hold of that receipt. Sometimes things don’t turn out to plan. Faulty or incorrect services, we know we can go to Securities Industry Dispu